The lowest priced DOT SAP in the country.
Call us First. 760-702-2293.

The DOT SAP Process

A SAP evaluation is the first step in the return-to-duty process after failing a DOT drug or alcohol test. I understand how important it is that you get back to work ASAP. That’s why I schedule appointments as soon as possible.

Step 1

The employee completes a comprehensive face-to-face clinical assessment with the SAP Evaluator in person, Zoom or FaceTime.

Step 2

The SAP Evaluator makes recommendations of treatment and/or course of education for the DOT employee.

Step 3

The employee finishes their education and/or treatment program.

Step 4

The SAP Evaluator provides an in person, Zoom or FaceTime face-to-face follow up evaluation to determine if employee is in compliance with the initial evaluation and recommended treatment and/or course of education.

Step 5

If everything goes well and the employee completes the education and/or treatment program, they will be given a notice of compliance to return back to work.

The Lowest Cost SAP Evaluations To Help You Get Back To Work
The lowest priced DOT SAP in the country. Call us First. 760-702-2293.


Hours of operation 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. / 7 days a week (PT)

For more informatino and to schedule your session call Orlando
(760) 702-2293

Freqently Asked Question

I Failed A Drug Test, What Happens Now?
If you violate a Department of Transportation drug or alcohol regulation, you will need to complete the return-to-duty process before being eligible to go back to work.
Until you complete a return-to-duty process, you are subject to federal civil and criminal penalties.

If I Have A Violation, Do I Absolutely Have To See A SAP?
Yes. The DOT requires that a qualified and trained SAP evaluate every employee with a DOT violation.

Can I Be Evaluated By Someone Who Is Not A SAP?
No. Your employer cannot accept recommendations from anyone who is not a qualified SAP.


We also provide court ordered evaluations for Municipal & Superior Courts.

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